written to Pal 10-17/17

Letter to Pal 9-29-17
2017 Primary Water Well in Ojai, California
On Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 3:04 PM, Marc Whitman wrote:
With my wife Julia, son Nathan and Inlaws John and Melody Taft, all live on a large piece of property in the Santa Ana canyon above Lake Casitas. On this land my father in law developed one of the finest botanical gardens in the country with plants from all over the world. We shared the limited ranch water with these gardens and often the gardens took precedence during the dryest times of the year. During the summer of 2016, which was the peak of a 4 year drought. our water supply was down to about 2 gallons per minute. This was enough water for household use, but to our dismay our rare gardens were drying up and dying.
We met a well driller named Michael Grasso and asked him if he could drill a well for us. Michael recommended we contact Pal Pauer, a geologist and water expert. He told us a story of how Pal would go out into the middle of the Mojave desert and find water on the top of mountains. Pal also happens to be an old friend of the families. and at one time lived on a neighboring property in Ojai.
Being a lifelong Ojai residence I remember meeting Stephan Riess, now deceased, also a Ojai residence.and world famous water expert. Stephan was Pal Pauer's mentor. I recalled Stephan talking about the vast amounts of water deep down underground at our disposal. When we contacted Pal he was very open to helping us. He said he knew the property well and could find us good water. Pal drove down from his home in Oregon and spent several days on our property as a guest. He taught us the principles of "Primary Water" and how water is being created in vast oceans deep down in the earth core from chemical reactions (H20.), and that this water is being pushed up to the earth surface by the pressure of the earth plates. He said that is why we find water at the top of mountains . He said these sources of water are infinite.
When Pal began to examine the best location for our well he looked at the geology and the existing water wells, the springs and the clustering of the large oak trees. He also said he used his intuition. Pal told us to drill in a precise location with a big red "X"marked on the ground. He said this is where a fault or "structure " exists and it is where you will find good water.
Michael began drilling for water and after many grueling days of drilling through many boulders he hit good water at 110' . Michael tested this delicious water at 100 gallons per minute. We have been living from this well for over a year now with no issues. Even though the drought has continued our gardens are flourishing. Our ponds are full with water and wildlife. Our lives have changed thanks to the genius of Pal Pauer and the hard work and dedication of Michael Grasso.
Marc Whitman
Whitman Architectural Design, Inc.
"Pal was kind enough to come to Kenya and sight two water wells in remote areas for us. We had the locations, but due to wanting to have a second opinion we asked Pal.
Pal sighted a well in a Maasai village in the Amboseli National Park area of Kenya; it was drilled in 2011, and is still producing good clean water for the Maasai. This well has changed the lives of the villagers, as now they don’t have to walk miles to obtain clean drinking water. Over 1000 people are taking water from this well on a weekly basis.
The other village, Ngu Nyumu, of about 2000 people in an area close to the town of Machakos, this is arid dry land, and we had a local Geologist come, but we still wanted another opinion as to where to have the well drilled. This well was drilled on a site that Pal picked, up in the foothills, this well is still free flowing clean drinking water to this day and it was finished drilling in early March of 2011.
This village has improved on the well, and now has built kiosks, holding tanks and now has electricity to the well site, so water is being pumped to more than the original 2000 people.
Pal has dedicated his life to helping people get clean drinking water, and he is an expert in his field of searching for Primary Water.'
–– Evie Treen, Founder
Friends of Woni Kenya International Inc.
'Over the past six or seven years, Pal has generously shared his considerable experience, skills and knowledge of primary water with the staff of Global Resource Alliance to the great benefit of tens of thousands of rural villagers in the Mara region of Tanzania in desperate need of clean, safe water. He trained us in every aspect of the work from locating potential water sources to the most effective drilling technology and techniques. If faced with the challenge of locating and developing a reliable source of life giving water in any region of the planet, there is no one in the world I’d rather have by my side than Pal Pauer. '
–– Lyn Hebenstreit
President, Global Resource Alliance
....This weekend we are traveling to the village - we have done that ever since you sunk that Magical Water for us, we are so busy making our lives better with this gracious life commodity! Thank you very much Pal for your brilliance,
–– Christopher, Resident of Ngu Nyumu Village
Everyone in the village send their greetings. When are you coming back to Kenya?
Our well is working perfect; everyone is healthy in the village, thanks to you.There are many other villages that need water, are you able to help, so we can see you again.
— Joseph Lentia
Chief Inchurra village